Официальный представитель компании
«CAMERON BALLOONS Ltd.», Великобритания, в Украине
The official representative
of CAMERON BALLOONS Ltd., the UK, in Ukraine
Офіційний представник компанії
«CAMERON BALLOONS Ltd.», Великобританія, в Україні
Cameron Balloons Aircompany Ltd., offers you to purchase various merchandises, spare parts and repair kits for the manufactured Cameron products at the Cameron Balloons Ltd. shop. We guarantee their delivery in Ukraine by international express post.
For example, for a manned balloon you can purchase the following additional things:
- envelope accessories and options such as turning vents, RDS fast deflation system, see-safe windows, Kevlar flying cable, banner velcro and banners shaped to balloon etc;
- basket options and accessories such as sidewall cushion, endwall cushion, coloured cane weave to the basket, pocket for storing maps, documents and other things, bag for fire extinguisher, first Aid Kit, coloured leather trim etc;
- burner options and accessories such squeeze action bar, adjustable height burner frame, flexible corner socket, burner bags etc;
- fuel cylinder options and accessories such as refuelling kit - universal, Bonanno fuel filter built into refueling hose, tank-to-tank hose etc;
- instruments and radios - navigation instrument Flytec, GPS, wireless, SSR etc;
- a full range of powerful titl-back inflation fans beginning from Inflation fan 2.5 hp to Inflation fan 13 hp for big sizes’ balloons;
- tethering equipment includes Bonanno quick release and various karabiners, tether ring, V-bridle;
- many other spare parts and repair kits which are necessary for flights and technical services of manned balloons.
If you want to get more information please address to us.
However, «Cameron Balloons Ltd» offers the souvenir production, some samples are presented below:
Clothing, £UK
 Jacket: £ 32.5
 Navy Fleece: £ 23
 Red/Navy Zip Top: £ 25.5
 Ladies Black Rugby Shirt: £ 23
 Men’s Black Rugby Shirt: £ 23
 Navy Polo Shirt: £ 16
 Ladies Light Blue Shirt: £ 14
 Baseball Cap: £ 5.9
 Drill Shirt: £ 19
 Child’s Navy T-Shirt: £ 6
 Adult Navy T-Shirt: £ 6
 Adult Black T-Shirt : £ 6
 Child’s Black T-Shirt: £ 6
 Child’s Grey Hoodie: £ 14
 Leather Flying Gloves: £ 12.8
Accessories, £UK
 CB Patch: £ 1.3
 Roamer: £ 0.85
 Cylinder Strap/Trouser Belt: £ 16
 Flight and Maintenance Log: £ 3.6
 Flight Bag: £ 72
 Flight Organizer: £ 33
 Large Flight Bag: £ 94
 Leather Cylinder Strap: £ 18
 Mug: £ 5.2
 Pilot Log Book: £ 10
 Training Log Book: £ 7
 Turbostick Lighter: £ 8.9

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ТОВ «Авіаційна Компанія Кемерон Баллунз Україна»
ООО «Авиационная Компания Кемерон Баллунз Украина»
Cameron Balloons Ukraine Aircompany LLC |
Tel./fax: +38 /044/ 574-72-76, +38 /044/ 388-92-00 Tel.+38 /050/ 330-92-00, +38 /067/ 656-77-78
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